Latest news

General Election Hustings - Friday 28th June 7.30pm

Hear from the Beaconsfield General Election candidates

Neighbourhood Plan public meeting - Tuesday 16th April 7.30pm

Come along and find out more about the Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Plan and why you should vote against it

Litter pick - Saturday 16th March

Please join us to help keep Beaconsfield beautiful!

Why you should VOTE NO in the Neighbourhood Plan referendum on Monday 9th Sept

The proposed Neighbourhood Plan threatens our Green Belt - find out why

Watch the Beaconsfield General Election Hustings

Hear from the Beaconsfield General Election candidates

Latest news

New threat to our Green Belt

Free speaker event and AGM on Friday 10th November - all welcome!

Please join us to hear from Joy Morrissey MP and Anna Crabtree, LibDem parliamentary candidate

Neighbourhood Plan public meeting - 1st November 2023

Come along and find out what the Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Plan is and why you should oppose it

Crime Prevention Advice evening

Join us on 24th May for crime prevention advice and drinks

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