- Fight over-development and in filling
- Fight single character properties replaced with multi-occupancy dwellings
- Fight property design out of character with the area.
- Highlight where the Council's own policies are being contravened
- Promote the Wilton Park development as a win-win for the town
- Lobby SBDC on their 2016-36 Local plan to prevent the release of excessive or inappropriate Green belt land
Pride in Beaconsfield
- Encourage Local councils to maintain the town to a high level and set the precept accordingly
- Highlight illegal fly posting, grafitti and litter and seek to remedy it promptly
- Highlight when our open spaces, street furniture, footpaths are not well maintained
- Highlight when our roads are full of potholes
- Encourag Councils to replace ageing trees not remove them
Community cohesion
- Encourage good neighbour schemes, neighbourhood watch and support our PCSO's to keep us safe
- Promote all community groups in the town
- Support the A355 relief road as one step towards easing our dire transport network capacity problems
- Support cyclepaths and other alternative travel methods
- Lobby for urgent investment in our sewerage system that is close to breaking point
- Hioghlight the fact that our schools and health services fail to adequately take account of the incremental in-filling